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Brittney Sue Photography

For Photographers | Relocating Your Photography Business

August 3, 2015

We knew this day was coming but we had never had to deal with this monumental of a move before.  Not only were we now moving two children along with a whole household of STUFF, I was also moving my photography business.  I had scoured the internet and Pinterest looking for any tutorial or advice I could find to help make the move easier.  I was searching for everything from how to get legit legally in Maryland to how to market to my ideal clients.  There weren’t many resources available, to my dismay.  So having made the actual move and pieced together resources to help myself I decided there needed to be more resources available for photographers as to HOW to go about relocating your photography business.

For Photographers | Relocating Your Photography Business, Brittney Livingston Photography


For me this has been extremely helpful.  I simply got on Facebook and searched for any group related to photography in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC.  Some of the most helpful groups that have resources outside of Facebook are Shoot and Share groups, Tuesdays Together Groups and Pursuit groups.  I was able to connect with a couple different, local Tuesdays Together groups that will be very close to me and they have been a wealth of knowledge for all things, not just creatively.

For Photographers | Relocating Your Photography Business, Brittney Livingston Photography


This may seem obvious but the sooner you can do this the better.  Before relocating my photography business,  I updated my blog, website, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and  created a Twitter, all referencing my location to be Northern Maryland. I have been advised by a couple other photographers to go back and retag my location in older blog post to reflect Northern Maryland.  I also started tagging all blog posts with anything that would be relevant for potential clients to google search for.  Being as specific as possible will flag your post for search engines when a potential client is looking for something.

For Photographers | Relocating Your Photography Business, Brittney Livingston Photography


I cannot stress this enough.  Being a military family, I know first hand how easy it is to make money providing photography services to other families.  Photography is a very popular career among spouses. However, you MUST be legit- and by legit I mean legal.  You need to research the area you are moving to on how to register your business with the state and or city/ county.  You may also need to register with the comptroller.  With the internet at our fingertips these days it is very easy to do a little research and find out what exactly is required to make your business legal.

comments +

  1. Michele says:

    Great information! Some of these I didn’t even know about- thanks Brittney!

  2. Emily says:

    Such helpful advice! As someone who just moved to a new start 2 months ago, this is so helpful! Thanks for posting!

  3. Alicia Wiley says:

    Welcome to MD! Great post 🙂

  4. Emilee says:

    Thank you Brittney! I think these tips apply to non-military-family photographers as well. Thanks for the wonderful information!

  5. Maria says:

    Great information! I agree about becoming legit as there are SO many legal sides of it and it is not worth the risk.

  6. Amber says:

    great information! Thank for the share!

  7. Nikki Trent says:

    Great tips!! I’m not moving anytime soon, but love the connection tips and will be using those anyway! Thank you!

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